Once you have finished configuring your server, press Generate at the top of the page.
In-Game Commands
To use a command in game, press o then type the command you want to use.
type help and help-admin to see all available commands.
Players id | list | A list will be displayed with the name of every players in the map, and their id. Usage: list If you have too many players in your game, we recommand to add &id=1 at the end of your url. This way, you will see every id at the end of all nicknames, and in the leaderboard. Usage: |
Your player position | pos | Your position will be displayed. Usage: pos |
A player position | pos id | The position of a specific player will be displayed. Usage: pos id. Ex: pos 1. The position of the player 1 will be displayed. |
Kick a player | kick id or k id | You can kick a player from your game. Usage: kick id or k id. Ex: kick 1. The player 1 will be kicked. Same with: k 1 |
Ban a player | ban id or b id | You can ban a player from your game. Usage: ban id or b id. Ex: ban 1. The player 1 will be baned. Same with: b 1 |
To heal a player | heal id | To refill all gauges of a given player. Usage: pos id. Ex: heal 1. The gauges of the player 1 will be restaured. |
Cancel craft of a player | cancel-craft id | Cancel the craft of a given player and restore the recipe. Usefull to disable some item with event. Usage: cancel-craft id. Ex: Cancel the craft of a player if possible |
Biome spawn location | spawn-location biome_name | You can spawn in another biome. Usage: spawn-location biome_name. The biomes name can be: forest, winter, lava, dragon, beach, island and you can find them by typing biome-list Ex: spawn-location winter |
Spawn in a specific place | spawn-area x y width height | You can spawn in a specific area. Usage: spawn-area x y width height. Be sure your values are not bigger than the map. (Default map size: 250x250) Ex: spawn-area 25 25 75 75 |
Remove everything from a given position | clean-position x y or cl x y | You can spawn a building in the map. Usage: clean-position x y. Be sure your values are not bigger than the map. (Default map size: 250x250) Ex: clean-position 10 15 |
Spawn a building in a specific place | spawn-building buildingName x y or sb buildingName x y | You can spawn a building in the map. Usage: spawn-building buildingName x y. Be sure your values are not bigger than the map. (Default map size: 250x250) Ex: spawn-building wall 10 15 |
Spawn a building in a specific place | force-spawn-building buildingName x y or fsb buildingName x y | You can spawn a building in the map even if a player or another building is there. Use kill-animals or ka Usage: force-spawn-building buildingName x y. Be sure your values are not bigger than the map. (Default map size: 250x250) Be prudent, this command can make crash your server. Ex: force-spawn-building wall 10 15 |
Spawn a chest in a specific place with item inside | spawn-chest itemName x y amount or sch itemName x y amount | You can spawn a filled chest in the map. Usage: spawn-chest itemName x y amount. Be sure your values are not bigger than the map. (Default map size: 250x250) Ex: spawn-chest wall 100 150 10 |
Spawn in a specific place | spawn-area-team teamId x y width height | You can spawn in a specific area for the team 1 or 2. Usage: spawn-area-team teamId x y width height. Be sure your values are not bigger than the map. (Default map size: 250x250) Ex: spawn-area-team 1 25 25 75 75 |
Display a text | welcome or w | You can display a text in the bottom left of your game. You can use it to indicate the rules of your server, or indicate specific changes assigned to your server. Usage: welcome your_message or w your_message To skip a line, type: \n To change the color of your line, type the hexacode of your color before your text. Ex 1: welcome #000000 your text will be black -> your text will be black Ex 2: welcome #fff000 RULES:\n#888fff Be the first to open the chest in the middle of the map\n#888fff The winner will receive 10,000 points\n#ff0000 harvestx10, instant-craft, no boar, spider instant kill -> RULES: Be the first to open the chest in the middle of the map The winner will receive 10,000 points harvestx10, instant-craft, no boar, spider instant kill |
Send a message to a specific player | message-to id or mt id | You can send a message visible to only one player in the map Usage: message-to id your_message or mt id your_message Ex: message-to 1 Hello you! or m 1 Hello you! |
Send a message to everyone | message or m | You can send a message visible to everybody in the map Usage: message your_message or m your_message Ex: message Hello there! or m Hello there! |
Be invincible | godmode or gm | You can't take any damages. Usage: godmode Type it again to disable it: godmode |
Instantly craft | instant-craft | You craft instantly. Usage: instant-craft Type it again to disable it: instant-craft |
Gathering Faster | harvest number | You can gather resources faster. Usage: harvest number. Ex: harvest 5 You will collect resources 5 times faster. The number per default is 1. The number can be between 1 and 10 |
Kill all animals | kill-animals or ka | You can kill instantly every animals in the game. They will start to reappear immediatly. To remove animals, go in the MOBS section. Usage: kill-animals or ka Ex: spawn-location winter |
Reset Kill for Everyone | reset-kill amount or rk amount | You can reset the kills of every players. This way, players all have the same kills. You can reset the kills to something else than 0, like 500 for example. Usage: reset-kill amount or rk amount. Ex: reset-kill 0 or rk 0. Every players will have 0 kill. |
Reset Kill for a Specific Player | reset-kill id amount or rk id amount | You can reset the kills of a specific player. This way, you choose the number of kill of this player. You can reset the kills to something else than 0, like 500 for example. Usage: reset-kill id amount or rk id amount. Ex: reset-kill 1 0 or rk 1 0. The players 1 will have 0 kill. |
Reset Score for Everyone | reset-score amount or rs amount | You can reset the score of every players. This way, players all have the same score. You can reset the score to something else than 0, like 500 for example. Usage: reset-score amount or rs amount. Ex: reset-score 0 or rs 0. Every players will have a score of 0. |
Reset Score for a Specific Player | reset-score id amount or rs id amount | You can reset the score of a specific players. This way, you choose the score of this player. You can reset the score to something else than 0, like 500 for example. Usage: reset-score id amount or rs id amount. Ex: reset-score 1 0 or rs 1 0. The player 1 will have a score of 0. |
Clean Buildings in the map | clean-building-all or cba | You can remove every buildings in the map. Usage: clean-building-all or cba |
Clean the panel | clean | If there is too many commands written in your panel, you can type clean to remove everything. Usage: clean |
Team Mode | team-mode or tm | Players who will spawn in the map will be in a team (visible by a skin) and won't be able to kill people in the same team (same skin). Usage: team-mode or tm Type it again to disable it. |
Battle Royale | battle-royale or br | This command has to be used with the event "battle-royale". Once the "battle-royale" event is created, use this command to start the fight. This command will remember all the players in game and will know when there will be only one player left. You can't use the battle-royale if you are alone in the game. This command does not count people with the godmode activated Usage: battle-royale or br |
Reset an event before the time limit | reset-event-time id time | This command has to be used with the event "time". Give an id to the "time" event to reset the time before this one ends. It is useful if an event lasts a certain time and has to be re-started because a player reached the goal before its end Usage: reset-event-time id time. Ex: reset-event-time restartBR 15. Once a player won, the game restart 15 sec after. |
Stop or start an event | stop-event id or start-event id | This command can be used with any event. Give an id to the event to start or stop. It is useful if you want to chain different event Usage: stop-event. Ex: stop-event challenge1 then start-event challenge2. Stop the challenge1 event and start the challenge2 event. |
Disable some functionnalities
Disable attack | disable-attack or da | You can disable the attack of players. This way, the players can't hit anymore. Usage: disable-attack or da Type it again to disable it. |
Disable PVP | disable-pvp or pvp | You can disable the PVP of each player. This way, the players can't kill each other but can still use weapons against mobs. Usage: disable-pvp or pvp Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Market | disable-shop or ds | You can disable the market in game. This way, the players can't exchange food against resources. Usage: disable-shop or ds Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Quest | disable-quest or dq | You can disable the quests in game. This way, the players won't receive points/rewards for doing chrono-quests. Usage: disable-quest or dq Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Recipes Book | disable-recipes-book | You can disable the recipes book in game. This way, the players will need to memorize recipes. Usage: disable-recipes-book Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Clock | disable-clock | You can disable the clock in game. This way, the players will need to determine the real time. Usage: disable-clock Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Craft | disable-craft or dc | You can disable the craft in game. This way, the players can't craft anything. Usage: disable-craft or dc Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Craft Score | disable-craft-score or dcs | You can disable the points you gain from crafting in game. Usage: disable-craft-score or dcs Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Gather Score | disable-gather-score or dgs | You can disable the points you gain from gathering in game. Usage: disable-gather-score or dgs Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Resource | disable-resource or dgs | Players can't gather resources anymore. Usage: disable-resource or drs Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Drop | disable-drop or dd | You can disable the drop in game. This way, the players can't drop anything on the ground. Usage: disable-drop or dd Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Drop | disable-drop-crate or ddc | You can disable the drop crate in game. This way, the players can't drop a crate on the ground. The player just drop his item in the void. Usage: disable-drop-crate or ddc Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Crate | disable-crate or db | You can disable the crate in game. This way, the players won't drop crate when they die. Usage: disable-crate or db Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Kit | disable-kit or dk | You can disable the kits at the beginning of the game. This way, players will only use the kits you give them. Usage: disable-kit or dk Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Recycling | disable-recycling or dr | You can disable the recycling system in the game. This way, players can't recycle their items. Usage: disable-recycling or dr Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Nickname | disable-nickname or dn | You can disable the nickname of players. This way, players do not know with who they are playing. Usage: disable-nickname or dn Type it again to disable it. |
Disable the Warm Gauge | disable-warm-gauge or dwg | You can disable the warm gauge of players. Usage: disable-warm-gauge or dwg Type it again to disable it. |
Default Nickname | default-nickname | You can give default nickname to the players, so they don't know who is who but you can still call them. Usage: default-nickname Type it again to disable it. |
Disable Chat | disable-chat or dch | You can disable the chat in game. This way, players can't talk when they are playing. Usage: disable-chat or dch Type it again to disable it. |
Teleport yourself | teleport x y or tp x y | You can teleport yourself somewhere in the map. Usage: teleport x y or tp x y. Ex: teleport 10 10. You will be teleported to 10 10. Same with: tp 10 10 |
Teleport a specific player | teleport id x y or tp id x y | You can teleport someone somewhere in the map. Usage: teleport id x y or tp id x y. Ex: teleport 2 10 10. You will teleport the player 2 to the position 10 10. Same with: tp 2 10 10 |
Teleport everybody | teleport-all x y or tpa x y | You can teleport everybody somewhere. Usage: teleport-all x y or tpa x y. Ex: teleport-all 50 60. Everybody will be teleported to the pposition 50 60. Same with: tpa 50 60 |
Give Items
Items list | survival-list or weapon-list or hat-list or resource-list or food-list or building-list or tool-list | You can see the name of each item in the game. Usage: survival-list You will see the list of every survival items. |
Give items to a player | give id item_name amount or g id item_name amount | You can spawn a item in the inventory of someone. Usage: give id item_name amount or g id item_name amount Ex: give 1 fire 10 or g 1 fire 10. The player 1 will receive 10 fires. WARNING: If you give too many items, you server may lag |
Clean Inventory
Remove a given amount of a specific item to a player | remove-item id item_name amount or ri id item_name amount | You can remove an item in the inventory of someone. Usage: remove-item id item_name amount or ri id item_name amount Ex: remove-item 1 fire 10 or ri 1 fire 10. The player 1 will lose 10 fires. |
Remove a given amount of a specific item to all players in the lobby | remove-item-all item_name amount or ria item_name amount | You can remove an item in the inventory of everybody. Usage: remove-item-all item_name amount or ria id item_name amount Ex: remove-item-all fire 10 or ria fire 10. All players will lose 10 fires. |
Clean the inventory of everybody | clean-inventory-all or cia | You can clean all items in the inventory of a specific player Usage: clean-inventory id Ex: clean-inventory 10 or ci 10. The inventory of the player 10 will be empty. |
Server Configuration | get-config or gc | You can see all the server configuration Usage: get-config or gc You should copy paste the result in a text file to read everything. |
Change Server Configuration | set-config or sc | You can change all the server configuration Usage: set-config your_code or sc your_code To change the configuration manually, we recommand to copy paste the result of get-config, then change the number you want, and copy paste your new code with sc your_code. |
Reset Server Configuration | reset-config | You can reset your configuration to the cufiguration of the current Usage: reset-config |
Save Server Configuration | save-config | You can save your configuration Usage: save-config Saving your configuration is useful if you need to restart your game with the command restart. |
Configuration of your Server
Adding a password allows you to play only with your friends, without any other players.
To manually add a password, press o in the game, then type password your_password
Password | You can't put any space on your password. |
To access to your server, use this link and share it to your friends.
To disable your password, press o in the game, then type password. It will automatically disable it. Then come back to your old link :
Name your server
Adding a name to your server allows the players to know what you changed in your server to make it special. Also, it allows to be on the top of the server list.
To name your server, press o in the game, then type name your_server_name
Configuration of your Map
Game settings
Harvest | Choose the speed at which you will collect resources - 1 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 10 |
Resource Delay | The resources will spawn every (number*(1-player_number/max_player_number))ms - 15000 = (15sec) Current - Numbers are between 300 - 1000000000 |
Resource Delay Minimum | Define the minimum time required to recover resources (when there is a lot of players) - Put 300 to get infinite resource to Resource Delay and Resource Delay Minimum. 3000 = (3sec) Current - Numbers are between 300 - 1000000000 WARNING: The smaller the number, the more likely your server is to lag |
Spawn Location | Choose where your players will spawn - 0 = Forest, 1 = Winter, 2 = Lava, 3 = DRAGON_BIOME_Y, 4 = Sea, 5 = Beach, 6 = Island |
Disable Attack | To disable attack, type 1. To activate it, type 0. - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 1 |
Disable Mob Safety | To disable mob safety (the mob can spawn on building/player, type 1. To activate it, type 0. - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 1 |
Disable PVP | To disable PVP, and enable PVE, type 1. To activate it, type 0. - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 1 |
Disable Kits | To disable the shop kit at the beginning of a game, type 1. To activate it, type 0. - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 1 |
Disable Market | To disable the market in game, type 1. To activate it, type 0. - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 1 |
Disable Recycling | To disable the recycling system, type 1. To activate it, type 0. - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 1 |
Disable Craft | To disable the craft system, type 1. To activate it, type 0. - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 1 |
Disable Craft Score | To disable the points you gain from crafting, type 1. To activate it, type 0. - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 1 |
Do we need to start the event? | "start":number | The parameter "start" is optional and has to be used with the command start-event or stop-event. It is used to enable or disable an event. "start": 1 is optionnal but if you don't want to start an event from the beginning you have to set "start": 0. |
Id of the event | "id":"myEventName"+ use the command reset-event-time myEventName time(in second) | The parameter "id" is optional and has to be used with the command reset-event-time, start-event, or stop-event. It is used to reset an event before its supposed end. Works only for the event "time". Choose a name of a "time" event and place this id in the specific event. Usage: "id":"myEventName" + do the command reset-event-time myEventName time(in sec) Example: "id":"restartBeforeTheEnd" + add the reset-event-time command in the event which has to be restarted Suppose we have a "time" event that restarts every 10 minutes. But someone reached the final goal before those 10 minutes. You can restart your event to 0 before the time runs out. |
Add Commands to the event | "commands":["first_command", "second_command", etc] |
The parameter "commands" determines what will happen once the event is triggered.
The commands can be every commands in game such as : "give", "teleport", "message", "give-score" etc.
You can use special variables, such as, exhaustively: - $id it will be replaced by the id of the player that triggered the event - $name it will be replaced by the name of the player that triggered the event - $score it will be replaced by the score of the player that triggered the event - $kill it will be replaced by the amount of killed player of the player that triggered the event - $day it will be replaced lifetime of the player that triggered the event - $best-kill-id it will be replaced by the id of the player who have killed the most players - $best-kill-name it will be replaced by the name of the player who have killed the most players - $best-kill-score it will be replaced by the score of the player who have killed the most players - $best-kill-day it will be replaced by the number of days of the player who have killed the most players - $best-kill-kill it will be replaced by the number of kills of the player who have killed the most players - $best-score-id it will be replaced by the id of the player who have the best score - $best-score-name it will be replaced by the name of the player who have the best score - $best-score-score it will be replaced by the score of the player who have the best score - $best-score-day it will be replaced by the number of days of the player who have the best score - $best-score-kill it will be replaced by the number of kills of the player who have the best score - $best-day-id it will be replaced by the id of the player who has survived the most of time - $best-day-name it will be replaced by the name of the player who has survived the most of time - $best-day-score it will be replaced by the score of the player who has survived the most of time - $best-day-day it will be replaced by the number of days of the player who has survived the most of time - $best-day-kill it will be replaced by the number of kills of the player who has survived the most of time - $rand [number, number, ..., number] it will replace the number by a random number between all those one you typed - $rand [\"word\", \"word\", ..., \"word\"] it will replace the word by a random word between all those one you typed - Ex: give $rand[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] $rand[\"wood_helmet\",\"spike\",\"sword\"]. A random player between the player 1, the player 2, the player 3, the player 4, and the player 5, will receive a random item between a wood helmet, a spike or a sword - When you make a team mode event (by using the command "team-mode") - $idIfTeam1 it will be replaced by the id of the player that triggered the event only if he is part of the team 1. Else the command will fail - $idIfTeam2 it will be replaced by the id of the player that triggered the event only if he is part of the team 2. Else the command will fail - $team1-day it will be replaced by the number of days survived by the team 1 - $team1-kill it will be replaced by the number of kills of the team 1 - $team1-score it will be replaced by the score of the team 1 - $team2-day it will be replaced by the number of days survived by the team 2 - $team2-kill it will be replaced by the number of kills of the team 2 - $team2-score it will be replaced by the score of the team 2 Usage: "commands":["your_command"] . Example 1: "commands":["give-score $id 500","tp $id 10 20", "m $name reach the 1st step!"] Each time a player reach the event, he will receive 500 points, be teleported to the position 10 20 and the message "(his nickname) reach the first step!" Example 2: "commands":["message $name killed $kill players within $day", "give $id cake $score"] If a player reach the event it will display a message for everyone that show his name, his number of kill and the amount of day the player survived, he will receives as much cake that he has score point |
Add many events | You can put as many events you want The synthax to put many events is "events":[{"your_event"},{"your_event"},...,{"your_event"}] Here is an example of several events : "events":[{"type":"time","time":60,"repeat":0,"commands":["spawn-area 20 20 10 10","teleport-all 50 50","battle-royale"]},{"type":"battle-royale","commands":["message $name is the winner!","welcome $name is the winner of the last game\n with a total of $kill kills in $day days", "clean-inventory-all", "give-score $id 100000","teleport-all 50 50", "battle-royale"]},{"type":"location","x":55,"y":55,"repeat":800,"commands":["give $id sword 1"]}] Explanation : First event -> "time" : The time is set to 60, which means that the event will be triggered after 60 seconds. The "repeat" is set to 0 which means the event will not repeat. What will happen after 60 seconds? The new players will spawn in the area 20 20 10 10. The players already in game will be teleported to the position 50 50 and the "battle-royale" command enable the start of the battle royale game. Second event -> "battle-royale": Which means the event will be triggered when, of all the players present at the time the command "battle royale" was launched, only one remains. What will happen when only one player left? A message will appear to everyone :"(the_name_of_the_winner) is the winner!". A text will display in the bottom left the message (the_name_of_the_winner) is the winner of the last game, with a total of (number_of_kills) kills in (number_of_days) days. Then, all inventory will be cleaned, the winner will receive 100000 and every players will be teleported to the position 50 50 again for a new battle royale (with the "battle-royale" command again) Third event -> "location": Which means the event will be triggered once a player is in a specific position. Here, it is the position 55 55 and this event will repeat every 800 seconds for each player. What will happen when a player goes at this position ? He will receive a sword in his inventory. He will be able to receive a sword again only after 800 seconds if he goes once again at this postion. Same for every players. |
Synthax rules : Put " " between each words. Only numbers do not need to be between " ".
Remember to always close "events": with ]}]
Custom your events | "events": | Make sure that you have positioned your commas and apostrophes correctly. |
Configures the bonus and damage caused by the nature
Damages from Thirst | Define the damages you take when you die of thirst - 20 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Drink Water | Define the bonus you take when you drink in the sea or a river - 20 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Lack of Oxygen | Define the damage you take when you run out of oxygen. - 40 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Hunger | Define the damage you take when you are starving. - 30 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Cold | Define the damage you take when you are cold. - 20 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Cold in Winter | Define the damage you take when you are cold in winter. - 40 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Warm | Define the damage you take when you are hot. - 25 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from blizzard | Define the damage you take when you stand in the blizzard. - 24 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from sand storm | Define the damage you take when you stand in the storm. - 16 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from sand storm with the first turban | Define the damage you take when you stand in the storm. - 7 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from sand storm with the second turban | Define the damage you take when you stand in the storm. - 2 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Heal | Define the life point you take when you heal. - 12 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Raw Food | Define the damages you take when you eat a raw food. - 10 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Configures the speed of gauges
Gauges Speed | Define the time it will take for gauges to decrease - 5000 = (5sec) Current - Numbers are between 500 - 1000000000 |
Oxygen Gauge
Decrease of the Oxygen Gauge | Define the points that the Oxygen Gauge loses when you need Oxygen. - 25 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Increase of the Oxygen Gauge | Define the points that the Oxygen Gauge recover when you have Oxygen. - 30 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
thirst Gauge
Decrease of the Thirst Gauge | Define the points that the Thirst Gauge loses when you don't drink. - 2 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Decrease of the Thirst Gauge in Desert and Lava | Define the points that the Thirst Gauge loses when you don't drink. - 5 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Decrease of the Thirst Gauge in Bed | Define the points that the Thirst Gauge loses when you don't drink in Bed. - 1 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
hunger Gauge
Decrease of the Hunger Gauge | Define the points that the Hunger Gauge loses when you don't eat. - 3 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Decrease of the Hunger Gauge in Bed | Define the points that the Hunger Gauge loses when you don't eat in a Bed. - 1 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
cold Gauge
cold Gauge in Forest
Decrease of the Cold Gauge at Day | Define the points that the Cold Gauge loses when you don't warm you up at day. - 2 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Decrease of the Cold Gauge at Night | Define the points that the Cold Gauge loses when you don't warm you up at night. - 18 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
cold Gauge in water
Decrease of the Cold Gauge at Day in Water | Define the points that the Cold Gauge loses when you don't warm you up at day in Water. - 5 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Decrease of the Cold Gauge at Night in Water | Define the points that the Cold Gauge loses when you don't warm you up at night in Water. - 25 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
cold Gauge in winter
Decrease of the Cold Gauge at Day in Winter | Define the points that the Hunger Cold loses when you don't warm you up at day in Winter Biome. - 25 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Decrease of the Cold Gauge at Night in Winter | Define the points that the Cold Gauge loses when you don't warm you up at night in Winter Biome. - 50 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
cold Gauge in Desert
Increase of the Cold Gauge in Desert during the day | Define the points that the Cold Gauge win when you are in desert Biome during the day. - 10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Increase of the Cold Gauge in Desert during the night | Define the points that the Cold Gauge win when you are in desert Biome during the night. - -15 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
cold Gauge in lava
Increase of the Cold Gauge in Lava | Define the points that the Cold Gauge win when you are in Lava Biome. - 25 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
cold Gauge on Fire
Increase of the Cold Gauge on Fire | Define the points that the Cold Gauge win when you are on a fire. - 25 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Increase of the Cold Gauge near a Fire | Define the points that the Cold Gauge win when you are near a fire. - 20 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Increase of the Red Cold Gauge near a Fire | Define the points that the Red Cold Gauge win when you are near a fire. - 5 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
configures the Score system
Score when you spawn | Choose the score you have when you just spawn into the map. - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 10000 |
Score per Day | Choose the score points you want after each day. - 500 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 10000 |
Score per Building destroyed | Choose the score points you want to win after each building destroyed. - 10 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 10000 |
Score per Kill | Choose the score points you want after each kill. You will receive < your number >*the score of the other player. - 0.15 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 1 |
Heal system
Bandage Heal Total | Define how much time a bandage give effect. - 5 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 100 |
Bandage Stack Limit | Define what's the stack limit of the bandage. - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 100 |
Bandage Heal | Define how much points can heal a Bandage each time it is used. - 30 = Current - Must be a multiplier of Bandage Heal Total (example: Bandage Heal Total = 210, Bandage Heal = 30, 210/30 = The bandage can heal you 7 times) Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Bed Heal | Define how much points can heal a Bed. - 20 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Green Crown Heal | Define how much points can heal a Green Crown. - 40 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Player's Speed System
Players's Speed | Change the Speed of the Starver. - 0.24 = Current - Numbers are between 0.04 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed with Weapon | Change the Speed of the Starver when he's holding a Weapon. - 0.18 = Current - Numbers are between 0.04 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed in Water | Change the Speed of the Starver when he's in Water. - 0.18 = Current - Numbers are between 0.04 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed in Water with Weapon | Change the Speed of the Starver when he's in Water holding a Weapon. - 0.10 = Current - Numbers are between 0.04 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed in Winter | Change the Speed of the Starver when he's in Winter or Lava. - 0.20 = Current - Numbers are between 0.04 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed in Winter with Weapon | Change the Speed of the Starver when he's in Winter or Lava holding a weapon. - 0.16 = Current - Numbers are between 0.04 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed in Desert | Change the Speed of the Starver when he's in Desert or Lava. - 0.20 = Current - Numbers are between 0.04 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed in Desert with Weapon | Change the Speed of the Starver when he's in Desert or Lava holding a weapon. - 0.16 = Current - Numbers are between 0.04 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed in Lava | Change the Speed of the Starver when he's in Lava or Lava. - 0.20 = Current - Numbers are between 0.04 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed in Lava with Weapon | Change the Speed of the Starver when he's in Lava or Lava holding a weapon. - 0.16 = Current - Numbers are between 0.04 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed with Diving | Change the Speed of the Starver when he's holding a Diving Mask or Super Diving Suit. - 0.18 = Current - Numbers are between 0.04 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed with Diving with Weapon | Change the Speed of the Starver when he's holding a Diving Mask or Super Diving Suit with a Weapon. - 0.13 = Current - Numbers are between 0.04 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed when Collision | Change the Speed of the Starver when he's on a collision. - 0.1 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed when Attacking | Change the Speed Malus of the Starver when he's attacking - 0.03 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed Malus when Attacking with Mount | Change the Speed Malus of the Starver when he's attacking with mount - 0.04 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 0.30 |
Players's Speed with King Crab | Change the Speed of the Starver on a King Crab - 230 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with King Crab on Water | Change the Speed of the Starver with King Crab on Water - 190 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with King Crab on Winter | Change the Speed of the Starver with King Crab on Winter- 140 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with King Crab on Lava | Change the Speed of the Starver with King Crab on Lava- 90 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with King Crab on Desert | Change the Speed of the Starver with King Crab on Desert- 90 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Boar | Change the Speed of the Starver on a Boar - 260 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Boar on Water | Change the Speed of the Starver with Boar on Water - 90 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Boar on Winter | Change the Speed of the Starver with Boar on Winter- 200 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Boar on Lava | Change the Speed of the Starver with Boar on Lava- 200 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Boar on Desert | Change the Speed of the Starver with Boar on Desert- 200 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Mammoth | Change the Speed of the Starver on a Baby Mammoth - 260 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Mammoth on Water | Change the Speed of the Starver with Baby Mammoth on Water - 90 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Mammoth on Winter | Change the Speed of the Starver with Baby Mammoth on Winter- 230 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Mammoth on Lava | Change the Speed of the Starver with Baby Mammoth on Lava- 230 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Mammoth on Desert | Change the Speed of the Starver with Baby Mammoth on Desert- 230 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Dragon | Change the Speed of the Starver on a Baby Dragon - 260 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Dragon on Water | Change the Speed of the Starver with Baby Dragon on Water - 260 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Dragon on Winter | Change the Speed of the Starver with Baby Dragon on Winter- 260 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Dragon on Lava | Change the Speed of the Starver with Baby Dragon on Lava- 260 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Dragon on Desert | Change the Speed of the Starver with Baby Dragon on Desert- 260 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Lava Dragon | Change the Speed of the Starver on a Baby Lava Dragon - 280 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Lava Dragon on Water | Change the Speed of the Starver with Baby Lava Dragon on Water - 280 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Lava Dragon on Winter | Change the Speed of the Starver with Baby Lava Dragon on Winter- 280 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Lava Dragon on Lava | Change the Speed of the Starver with Baby Lava Dragon on Lava- 280 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Baby Lava Dragon on Desert | Change the Speed of the Starver with Baby Lava Dragon on Desert- 280 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Hawk | Change the Speed of the Starver on a Hawk - 250 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Hawk on Water | Change the Speed of the Starver with Hawk on Water - 250 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Hawk on Winter | Change the Speed of the Starver with Hawk on Winter- 250 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Hawk on Lava | Change the Speed of the Starver with Hawk on Lava- 250 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Hawk on Desert | Change the Speed of the Starver with Hawk on Desert- 220 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Plane | Change the Speed of the Starver on a Plane - 240 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Plane on Water | Change the Speed of the Starver with Plane on Water - 240 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Plane on Winter | Change the Speed of the Starver with Plane on Winter- 240 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Plane on Lava | Change the Speed of the Starver with Plane on Lava- 90 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed with Plane on Desert | Change the Speed of the Starver with Plane on Desert- 90 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed on Boat | Change the Speed of the Starver when on a Boat - 220 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Players's Speed on Sled | Change the Speed of the Starver when on a Sled - 230 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 300 |
Minimum Vehicule Speed | Change the Minimum Speed of a Boat or Sled when it starts - 30 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 300 |
Vehicule Speed when Slow Down | Change the Speed of a Boat or Sled when it slows down - 70 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 300 |
Configuration of Mobs
The Treasure chest
Treasure Life | Change the Life of the Treasure - 200 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Maximum Number of Treasures | Change the maximum number of Treasure- 12 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
The Wheat Seed
Wheat Seed Life | Change the Life of the Wheat Seed - 1 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Maximum Number of Wheat Seeds | Change the maximum number of Wheat Seed- 50 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
The Rabbit
Rabbit Life | Change the Life of the Rabbit - 60 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Rabbit Speed | Change the Speed of the Rabbit - 0.32 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Rabbits | Change the maximum number of Rabbit- 40 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
The Spider
Spider Life | Change the Life of the Spider - 120 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Spider Speed | Change the Speed of the Spider - 0.24 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Spider | Change the maximum number of Spider- 45 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Spider | Define Damages caused a Spider- 30 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Spider | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Spider- 1000 = (1sec) Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
Spider Web Delay | Define the time during which you will be trapped by spider webs - 2000 = (2sec) Current - Numbers are between 0 - 30000 |
The wolf
Wolf Life | Change the Life of the Wolf - 300 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Wolf Speed | Change the Speed of the Wolf - 0.23 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Wolves | Change the maximum number of Wolves- 55 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Wolves | Define Damages caused a Wolf- 40 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Wolves | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Wolf- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
The Baby Mammoth
Baby Mammoth Life | Change the Life of the Baby Mammoth - 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Baby Mammoth Speed | Change the Speed of the Baby Mammoth - 0.23 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Baby Mammoth | Change the maximum number of Baby Mammoth- 10 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Baby Mammoth | Define Damages caused a Baby Mammoth- 50 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Baby Mammoth | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Baby Mammoth- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
Success rate for Baby Mammoth taming. | Define the rate to tame a baby_mammoth with a saddle- 0.01 = Current - Numbers are between 0.001 - 1 |
The Mammoth
Mammoth Life | Change the Life of the Mammoth - 3000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Mammoth Speed | Change the Speed of the Mammoth - 0.23 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Mammoth | Change the maximum number of Mammoth- 3 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Mammoth | Define Damages caused a Mammoth- 70 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Mammoth | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Mammoth- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
The Boar
Boar Life | Change the Life of the Boar - 600 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Boar Speed | Change the Speed of the Boar - 0.30 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Boars | Change the maximum number of Boars- 15 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Boars | Define Damages caused a Boar- 50 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Boars | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Boar- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
Success rate for boar taming. | Define the rate to tame a boar with a saddle- 0.10 = Current - Numbers are between 0.001 - 1 |
The Penguin
Penguin Life | Change the Life of the Penguin - 90 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Penguin Speed | Change the Speed of the Penguin - 0.32 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Penguins | Change the maximum number of Penguins- 20 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
The Fox
Fox Life | Change the Life of the Fox - 300 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Fox Speed | Change the Speed of the Fox - 0.235 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Fox | Change the maximum number of Fox- 55 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Fox | Define Damages caused a Fox- 25 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Fox | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Fox- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
The Bear
Bear Life | Change the Life of the Bear - 900 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Bear Speed | Change the Speed of the Bear - 0.22 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Bear | Change the maximum number of Bear- 15 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Bear | Define Damages caused a Bear- 60 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Bear | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Bear- 2000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
The Vulture
Vulture Life | Change the Life of the Vulture - 600 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Vulture Speed | Change the Speed of the Vulture - 0.25 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Vulture | Change the maximum number of Vulture- 20 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Vulture | Define Damages caused a Vulture- 45 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Vulture | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Vulture- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
The Sand worm
Sand worm Life | Change the Life of the Sand worm - 1500 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Sand worm Speed | Change the Speed of the Sand worm - 0.25 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Sand worm | Change the maximum number of Sand worm- 30 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Sand worm | Define Damages caused a Sand worm- 60 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Sand worm | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Sand worm- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
The Hawk
Hawk Life | Change the Life of the Hawk - 300 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Hawk Speed | Change the Speed of the Hawk - 0.30 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Hawk | Change the maximum number of Hawk- 14 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Hawk | Define Damages caused a Hawk- 40 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Hawk | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Hawk- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
Success rate for hawk taming. | Define the rate to tame a hawk with a saddle- 0.03 = Current - Numbers are between 0.001 - 1 |
The Dragon
Dragon Life | Change the Life of the Dragon - 1500 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Dragon Speed | Change the Speed of the Dragon - 0.225 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Dragon | Change the maximum number of Dragon- 6 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Dragon | Define Damages caused a Dragon- 85 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Dragon | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Dragon- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
The baby dragon
Baby Dragon Life | Change the Life of the Baby Dragon - 900 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Baby Dragon Speed | Change the Speed of the Baby Dragon - 0.24 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Baby Dragon | Change the maximum number of Baby Dragon- 4 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Baby Dragon | Define Damages caused a Baby Dragon- 30 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Baby Dragon | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Baby Dragon- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
Success rate for baby dragon taming. | Define the rate to tame a baby dragon with a saddle- 0.01 = Current - Numbers are between 0.001 - 1 |
The baby lava dragon
Baby Lava Dragon Life | Change the Life of the Baby Lava Dragon - 1500 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Baby Lava Dragon Speed | Change the Speed of the Baby Lava Dragon - 0.27 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Baby Lava Dragon | Change the maximum number of Baby Lava Dragon- 4 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Baby Lava Dragon | Define Damages caused a Baby Lava Dragon- 70 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Baby Lava Dragon | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Baby Lava Dragon- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
Success rate for baby dragon taming. | Define the rate to tame a baby dragon with a saddle- 0.002 = Current - Numbers are between 0.001 - 1 |
The Crab
Crab Life | Change the Life of the Crab - 240 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Crab Speed | Change the Speed of the Crab - 0.32 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Crab | Change the maximum number of Crab- 18 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Crab | Define Damages caused a Crab- 35 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Crab | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Crab- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
The king crab
Crab King Life | Change the Life of the Crab King - 1500 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Crab King Speed | Change the Speed of the Crab King - 0.24 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Crab King | Change the maximum number of Crab King- 2 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Crab King | Define Damages caused a Crab King- 80 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Crab King | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Crab King- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
Success rate for king crab taming. | Define the rate to tame a king crab with a saddle- 0.02 = Current - Numbers are between 0.001 - 1 |
The Piranha
Piranha Life | Change the Life of the Piranha - 300 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Piranha Speed | Change the Speed of the Piranha - 0.29 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Piranha | Change the maximum number of Piranha- 80 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Piranha | Define Damages caused a Piranha- 40 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Piranha | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Piranha- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
The kraken
Kraken Life | Change the Life of the Kraken - 6000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Kraken Speed | Change the Speed of the Kraken - 0.24 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Kraken | Change the maximum number of Kraken- 8 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Kraken | Define Damages caused a Kraken- 80 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Kraken | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Kraken- 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
The Fire Mob
Fire Mob Life | Change the Life of the Fire Mob - 600 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Fire Mob Speed | Change the Speed of the Fire Mob - 0.24 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Fire Mob | Change the maximum number of Fire Mob - 50 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Fire Mob | Define Damages caused a Fire Mob - 50 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Fire Mob | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Fire Mob - 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
The Lava Dragon
Lava Dragon Life | Change the Life of the Lava Dragon - 3000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20000 |
Lava Dragon Speed | Change the Speed of the Lava Dragon - 0.245 = Current - Numbers are between 0.01 - 0.6 |
Maximum Number of Lava Dragon | Change the maximum number of Lava Dragon - 8 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Lava Dragon | Define Damages caused a Lava Dragon - 90 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages Speed from Lava Dragon | Define the time between each Damages caused by a Lava Dragon - 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 100 - 4000 |
Configuration of Buildings
The Damages from Buildings
The Spikes
Damages from Wooden Spike | Define the Damages caused by a Wooden Spike - 2 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Stone Spike | Define the Damages caused by a Stone Spike - 3 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Golden Spike | Define the Damages caused by a Golden Spike - 3 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Diamond Spike | Define the Damages caused by a Diamond Spike - 4 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Amethyst Spike | Define the Damages caused by a Amethyst Spike - 4 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Reidite Spike | Define the Damages caused by a Reidite Spike - 5 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
The Spike Doors
Damages from Wooden Spike Door | Define the Damages caused by a Wooden Spike Door - 1 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Stone Spike Door | Define the Damages caused by a Stone Spike Door - 2 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Golden Spike Door | Define the Damages caused by a Golden Spike Door - 2 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Diamond Spike Door | Define the Damages caused by a Diamond Spike Door - 3 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Amethyst Spike Door | Define the Damages caused by a Amethyst Spike Door - 3 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Damages from Reidite Spike Door | Define the Damages caused by a Reidite Spike Door - 4 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
The Life of Buildings
Misc. building
Life of a Workbench | Define the Life of a Workbench - 300 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Plot | Define the Life of a Plot - 3500 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
The Walls
Life of a Wooden Wall | Define the Life of a Wooden Wall - 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Stone Wall | Define the Life of a Stone Wall - 1500 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Golden Wall | Define the Life of a Golden Wall - 2000 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Diamond Wall | Define the Life of a Diamond Wall - 2500 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Amethyst Wall | Define the Life of a Amethyst Wall - 3500 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Reidite Wall | Define the Life of a Reidite Wall - 4000 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
The Doors
Life of a Wooden Door | Define the Life of a Wooden Door - 1000 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Stone Door | Define the Life of a Stone Door - 1500 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Golden Door | Define the Life of a Golden Door - 2000 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Diamond Door | Define the Life of a Diamond Door - 2500 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Amethyst Door | Define the Life of a Amethyst Door - 3500 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Reidite Door | Define the Life of a Reidite Door - 4000 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
The Spikes
Life of a Wooden Spike | Define the Life of a Wooden Spike - 150 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Stone Spike | Define the Life of a Stone Spike - 300 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Golden Spike | Define the Life of a Golden Spike - 600 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Diamond Spike | Define the Life of a Diamond Spike - 1200 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Amethyst Spike | Define the Life of a Amethyst Spike - 2400 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Reidite Spike | Define the Life of a Reidite Spike - 3000 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
The Spike Doors
Life of a Wooden Spike Door | Define the Life of a Wooden Spike Door - 100 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Stone Spike Door | Define the Life of a Stone Spike Door - 200 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Golden Spike Door | Define the Life of a Golden Spike Door - 400 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Diamond Spike Door | Define the Life of a Diamond Spike Door - 800 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Amethyst Spike Door | Define the Life of a Amethyst Spike Door - 1600 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Life of a Reidite Spike Door | Define the Life of a Reidite Spike Door - 2000 = Current - Numbers are between 10 - 10000000 |
Hammer Damages
Hammer Damages Against Buildings
Buildings Damages from Stone Hammer | Define the Damages caused by a Stone Hammer - 20 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Buildings Damages from Golden Hammer | Define the Damages caused by a Golden Hammer - 30 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Buildings Damages from Diamond Hammer | Define the Damages caused by a Diamond Hammer - 40 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Buildings Damages from Amethyst Hammer | Define the Damages caused by a Amethyst Hammer - 50 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Buildings Damages from Reidite Hammer | Define the Damages caused by a Reidite Hammer - 60 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Buildings Damages from Super Hammer | Define the Damages caused by a Super Hammer - 70 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Hammer Damages Against Players and Mobs
Players/Mobs Damages from Stone Hammer | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Stone Hammer - 2 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Players/Mobs Damages from Golden Hammer | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Golden Hammer - 3 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Players/Mobs Damages from Diamond Hammer | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Diamond Hammer - 4 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Players/Mobs Damages from Amethyst Hammer | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Amethyst Hammer - 5 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Players/Mobs Damages from Reidite Hammer | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Reidite Hammer - 6 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Players/Mobs Damages from Super Hammer | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Super Hammer - 12 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Buildings repair | Define the Buildings Repair of the wrench - 70 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Weapons Damages
Hand Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Hand - 5 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Swords Damages
Wooden Sword Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Wooden Sword - 12 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Stone Sword Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Stone Sword - 19 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Golden Sword Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Golden Sword - 22 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Diamond Sword Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Diamond Sword - 24 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Amethyst Sword Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by an Amethyst Sword - 27 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Reidite Sword Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Reidite Sword - 30 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Pirate Sword Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Pirate Sword - 24 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Dragon Sword Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Dragon Sword - 30 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Lava Sword Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Lava Sword - 33 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Cursed Sword Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Cursed Sword - 35 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Spear Damages
Wooden Spear Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Wooden Spear - 10 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Stone Spear Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Stone Spear - 14 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Golden Spear Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Golden Spear - 15 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Diamond Spear Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Diamond Spear - 17 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Amethyst Spear Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by an Amethyst Spear - 18 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Reidite Spear Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Reidite Spear - 22 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Crab Spear Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Crab Spear - 14 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Dragon Spear Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Dragon Spear - 22 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Lava Spear Damages | Define the Players/Mobs Damages caused by a Lava Spear - 24 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Wooden Bow
Wood Bow Damages against Players | Define the Players Damages caused by a Wooden Bow - 15 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Wood Bow Damages against Mobs | Define the Mobs Damages caused by a Wooden Bow - 20 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Wood Bow Speed | Define the speed of a Wooden Bow - 0.6 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2 |
Wood Bow Distance | Define the distance of a Wooden Bow - 600 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2000 |
Stone Bow
Stone Bow Damages against Players | Define the Players Damages caused by a Stone Bow - 20 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Stone Bow Damages against Mobs | Define the Mobs Damages caused by a Stone Bow - 100 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Stone Bow Speed | Define the speed of a Stone Bow - 0.6 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2 |
Stone Bow Distance | Define the distance of a Stone Bow - 900 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2000 |
Gold Bow
Gold Bow Damages against Players | Define the Players Damages caused by a Gold Bow - 25 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Gold Bow Damages against Mobs | Define the Mobs Damages caused by a Gold Bow - 200 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Gold Bow Speed | Define the speed of a Gold Bow - 0.6 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2 |
Gold Bow Distance | Define the distance of a Gold Bow - 900 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2000 |
Diamond Bow
Diamond Bow Damages against Players | Define the Players Damages caused by a Diamond Bow - 30 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Diamond Bow Damages against Mobs | Define the Mobs Damages caused by a Diamond Bow - 400 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Diamond Bow Speed | Define the speed of a Diamond Bow - 0.6 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2 |
Diamond Bow Distance | Define the distance of a Diamond Bow - 900 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2000 |
Amethyst Bow
Amethyst Bow Damages against Players | Define the Players Damages caused by a Amethyst Bow - 35 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Amethyst Bow Damages against Mobs | Define the Mobs Damages caused by a Amethyst Bow - 800 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Amethyst Bow Speed | Define the speed of a Amethyst Bow - 0.6 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2 |
Amethyst Bow Distance | Define the distance of a Amethyst Bow - 900 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2000 |
Reidite Bow
Reidite Bow Damages against Players | Define the Players Damages caused by a Reidite Bow - 40 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Reidite Bow Damages against Mobs | Define the Mobs Damages caused by a Reidite Bow - 1600 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Reidite Bow Speed | Define the speed of a Reidite Bow - 0.6 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2 |
Reidite Bow Distance | Define the distance of a Reidite Bow - 900 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2000 |
Dragon Bow
Dragon Bow Damages against Players | Define the Players Damages caused by a Dragon Bow - 45 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Dragon Bow Damages against Mobs | Define the Mobs Damages caused by a Dragon Bow - 3200 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 20000 |
Dragon Bow Speed | Define the speed of a Dragon Bow - 0.6 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2 |
Dragon Bow Distance | Define the distance of a Dragon Bow - 900 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 2000 |
Shield Defense
Shield Defense against Players
Wooden Shield Defense | Define the Wooden Shield Defense against Players- -1 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Stone Shield Defense | Define the Stone Shield Defense against Players - -2 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Golden Shield Defense | Define the Golden Shield Defense against Players - -3 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Diamond Shield Defense | Define the Diamond Shield Defense against Players- -4 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Amethyst Shield Defense | Define the Amethyst Shield Defense against Players - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Reidite Shield Defense | Define the Reidite Shield Defense against Players- -6 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Shield Defense against Mobs
Wooden Shield Defense against Mobs | Define the Wooden Shield Defense against Mobs - -2 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Stone Shield Defense against Mobs | Define the Stone Shield Defense against Mobs - -4 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Golden Shield Defense against Mobs | Define the Golden Shield Defense against Mobs - -8 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Diamond Shield Defense against Mobs | Define the Diamond Shield Defense against Mobs - -12 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Amethyst Shield Defense against Mobs | Define the Amethyst Shield Defense against Mobs - -16 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Reidite Shield Defense against Mobs | Define the Reidite Shield Defense against Mobs - -18 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Shield Defense against Bows
Wooden Shield Defense against Bows | Define the Wooden Shield Defense against Bows - -13 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Stone Shield Defense against Bows | Define the Stone Shield Defense against Bows - -17 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Golden Shield Defense against Bows | Define the Golden Shield Defense against Bows - -21 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Diamond Shield Defense against Bows | Define the Diamond Shield Defense against Bows - -25 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Amethyst Shield Defense against Bows | Define the Amethyst Shield Defense against Bows - -29 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Reidite Shield Defense against Bows | Define the Reidite Shield Defense against Bows - -33 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Helmet/Hat Defense
Helmet/Hat Defense against Players
Wooden Helmet Defense | Define the Wooden Helmet Defense against Players- -1 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Stone Helmet Defense | Define the Stone Helmet Defense against Players - -2 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Golden Helmet Defense | Define the Golden Helmet Defense against Players - -4 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Diamond Helmet Defense | Define the Diamond Helmet Defense against Players- -5 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Amethyst Helmet Defense | Define the Amethyst Helmet Defense against Players - -6 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Reidite Helmet Defense | Define the Reidite Helmet Defense against Players- -7 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Crab Helmet Defense | Define the Crab Helmet Defense against Players - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Dragon Helmet Defense | Define the Dragon Helmet Defense against Players - -8 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Lava Helmet Defense | Define the Lava Helmet Defense against Players - -9 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Earmuffs Defense | Define the Earmuffs Defense against Players - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Coat Defense | Define the Coat Defense against Players - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Scarf Defense | Define the Scarf Defense against Players - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Mammoth fur hat Defense | Define the Mammoth fur hat Defense against Players - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Crown of Luck Defense | Define the Crown of Luck Defense against Players - -4 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Blue Crown Defense | Define the Blue Crown Defense against Players - -2 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Green Crown Defense | Define the Green Crown Defense against Players - -4 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Diving Mask Defense | Define the Diving Mask Defense against Players - -2 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Super Diving Suit Defense | Define the Super Diving Suit Defense against Players - -4 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Warm Protection Defense | Define the Warm Protection Defense against Players - -2 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Warm Protection 2 Defense | Define the Warm Protection 2 Defense against Players - -4 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Warm Protection 3 Defense | Define the Warm Protection 3 Defense against Players - -6 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Explorer Hat Defense | Define the Explorer Hat Defense against Players - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Pirate Hat Defense | Define the Pirate Hat Defense against Players - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Hood Defense | Define the Hood Defense against Players - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Winter Hood Defense | Define the Winter Hood Defense against Players - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Peasant Defense | Define the Peasant Defense against Players - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Winter Peasant Defense | Define the Winter Peasant Defense against Players - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Helmet/Hat Defense against Mobs
Wooden Helmet Defense against Mobs | Define the Wooden Helmet Defense against Mobs- -4 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Stone Helmet Defense against Mobs | Define the Stone Helmet Defense against Mobs - -8 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Golden Helmet Defense against Mobs | Define the Golden Helmet Defense against Mobs - -13 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Diamond Helmet Defense against Mobs | Define the Diamond Helmet Defense against Mobs- -19 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Amethyst Helmet Defense against Mobs | Define the Amethyst Helmet Defense against Mobs - -23 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Reidite Helmet Defense against Mobs | Define the Reidite Helmet Defense against Mobs- -25 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Dragon Helmet Defense against Mobs | Define the Dragon Helmet Defense against Mobs - -27 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Lava Helmet Defense against Mobs | Define the Lava Helmet Defense against Mobs - -30 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Crab Helmet Defense against Mobs | Define the Crab Helmet Defense against Mobs - -19 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Earmuffs Defense against Mobs | Define the Earmuffs Defense against Mobs - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Coat Defense against Mobs | Define the Coat Defense against Mobs - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Scarf Defense against Mobs | Define the Scarf Defense against Mobs - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Mammoth fur hat Defense against Mobs | Define the Mammoth fur hat Defense against Mobs - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Crown of Luck Defense against Mobs | Define the Crown of Luck Defense against Mobs - -16 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Blue Crown Defense against Mobs | Define the Blue Crown Defense against Mobs - -16 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Green Crown Defense against Mobs | Define the Green Crown Defense against Mobs - -16 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Diving Mask Defense against Mobs | Define the Diving Mask Defense against Mobs - -8 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Super Diving Suit Defense against Mobs | Define the Super Diving Suit Defense against Mobs - -16 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Warm Protection Defense against Mobs | Define the Warm Protection Defense against Mobs - -8 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Warm Protection 2 Defense against Mobs | Define the Warm Protection 2 Defense against Mobs - -13 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Warm Protection 3 Defense against Mobs | Define the Warm Protection 3 Defense against Mobs - -19 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Explorer Hat Defense against Mobs | Define the Explorer Hat Defense against Mobs - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Pirate Hat Defense against Mobs | Define the Pirate Hat Defense against Mobs - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Hood Defense against Mobs | Define the Hood Defense against Mobs - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Winter Hood Defense against Mobs | Define the Winter Hood Defense against Mobs - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Peasant Defense against Mobs | Define the Peasant Defense against Mobs - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Winter Peasant Defense against Mobs | Define the Winter Peasant Defense against Mobs - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -20000 - 0 |
Helmet/Hat Defense against Blizzard
Wooden Helmet | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Wooden Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Stone Helmet | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Stone Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Golden Helmet | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Golden Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Diamond Helmet | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Diamond Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Amethyst Helmet | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Amethyst Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Reidite Helmet | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Reidite Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Dragon Helmet | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Dragon Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Lava Helmet | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Lava Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Crab Helmet | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Crab Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Earmuffs | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Earmuffs - 10 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Coat | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Coat - 14 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Scarf | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Scarf - 18 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Mammoth fur hat | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Mammoth fur hat - 23 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Crown of Luck | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Crown of Luck - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Blue Crown | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Blue Crown - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Green Crown | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Green Crown - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Diving Mask | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Diving Mask - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Super Diving Suit | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Super Diving Suit - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Warm Protection | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Warm Protection - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Warm Protection 2 | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Warm Protection 2 - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Warm Protection 3 | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Warm Protection 3 - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Explorer Hat | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Explorer Hat - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Pirate Hat | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Pirate Hat - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Hood | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Hood - 10 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Winter Hood | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Winter Hood - 14 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Peasant | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Peasant - 10 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Winter Peasant | Define the Defense against Blizzard with a Winter Peasant - 14 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Helmet/Hat Reduce loss of oxygen
Wooden Helmet Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Wooden Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Stone Helmet Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Stone Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Golden Helmet Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Golden Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Diamond Helmet Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Diamond Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Amethyst Helmet Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Amethyst Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Reidite Helmet Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Reidite Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Dragon Helmet Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Dragon Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Lava Helmet Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Lava Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Crab Helmet Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Crab Helmet - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Earmuffs Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Earmuffs - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Coat Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Coat - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Scarf Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Scarf - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Mammoth fur hat Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Mammoth fur hat - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Crown of Luck Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Crown of Luck - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Blue Crown Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Blue Crown - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Green Crown Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Green Crown - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Diving Mask Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Diving Mask - 14 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Super Diving Suit Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Super Diving Suit - 19 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Warm Protection Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Warm Protection - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Warm Protection 2 Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Warm Protection 2 - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Warm Protection 3 Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Warm Protection 3 - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Explorer Hat Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Explorer Hat - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Pirate Hat Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Pirate Hat - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Hood Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Hood - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Winter Hood Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Winter Hood - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Peasant Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Peasant - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Winter Peasant Reduce Loss of Oxygen | Define the Reduction of Oxygen with a Winter Peasant - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Helmet/Hat Heat
Helmet/Hat Heat At Day
Wooden Helmet Heat at Day | Define the Wooden Helmet Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Stone Helmet Heat at Day | Define the Stone Helmet Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Golden Helmet Heat at Day | Define the Golden Helmet Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Diamond Helmet Heat at Day | Define the Diamond Helmet Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Amethyst Helmet Heat at Day | Define the Amethyst Helmet Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Reidite Helmet Heat at Day | Define the Reidite Helmet Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Dragon Helmet Heat at Day | Define the Dragon Helmet Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Lava Helmet Heat at Day | Define the Lava Helmet Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Crab Helmet Heat at Day | Define the Crab Helmet Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Earmuffs Heat at Day | Define the Earmuffs Heat at Day - 1 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Coat Heat at Day | Define the Coat Heat at Day - 2 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Scarf Heat at Day | Define the Scarf Heat at Day - 2 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Mammoth fur hat at Day | Define the Mammoth fur hat Heat at Day - 3 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Crown of Luck Heat at Day | Define the Crown of Luck Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Blue Crown Heat at Day | Define the Blue Crown Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Green Crown Heat at Day | Define the Green Crown Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Diving Mask Heat at Day | Define the Diving Mask Heat at Day - 14 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Super Diving Suit Heat at Day | Define the Super Diving Suit Heat at Day - 19 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection Heat at Day | Define the Warm Protection Heat at Day - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 2 Heat at Day | Define the Warm Protection 2 Heat at Day - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 3 Heat at Day | Define the Warm Protection 3 Heat at Day - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Explorer Hat Heat at Day | Define the Explorer Hat Heat at Day - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Pirate Hat Heat at Day | Define the Pirate Hat Heat at Day- 1 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Hood Heat at Day | Define the Hood Heat at Day- 1 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Winter Hood Heat at Day | Define the Winter Hood Heat at Day - 2 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Peasant Heat at Day | Define the Peasant Heat at Day- 1 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Winter Peasant Heat at Day | Define the Winter Peasant Heat at Day- 2 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Helmet/Hat Heat At Night
Wooden Helmet Heat at Night | Define the Wooden Helmet Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Stone Helmet Heat at Night | Define the Stone Helmet Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Golden Helmet Heat at Night | Define the Golden Helmet Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Diamond Helmet Heat at Night | Define the Diamond Helmet Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Amethyst Helmet Heat at Night | Define the Amethyst Helmet Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Reidite Helmet Heat at Night | Define the Reidite Helmet Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Dragon Helmet Heat at Night | Define the Dragon Helmet Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Lava Helmet Heat at Night | Define the Lava Helmet Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Crab Helmet Heat at Night | Define the Crab Helmet Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Earmuffs Heat at Night | Define the Earmuffs Heat at Night - 10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Coat Heat at Night | Define the Coat Heat at Night - 13 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Scarf Heat at Night | Define the Scarf Heat at Night - 16 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Mammoth fur hat at Night | Define the Mammoth fur hat Heat at Night - 17 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Crown of Luck Heat at Night | Define the Crown of Luck Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Blue Crown Heat at Night | Define the Blue Crown Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Green Crown Heat at Night | Define the Green Crown Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Diving Mask Heat at Night | Define the Diving Mask Heat at Night - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Super Diving Suit Heat at Night | Define the Super Diving Suit Heat at Night- 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection Heat at Night | Define the Warm Protection Heat at Night - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 2 Heat at Night | Define the Warm Protection 2 Heat at Night - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 3 Heat at Night | Define the Warm Protection 3 Heat at Night - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Explorer Hat Heat at Night | Define the Explorer Hat Heat at Night - 3 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Pirate Hat Heat at Night | Define the Pirate Hat Heat at Night- 10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Hood Heat at Night | Define the Hood Heat at Night- 10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Winter Hood Heat at Night | Define the Winter Hood Heat at Night - 16 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Peasant Heat at Night | Define the Peasant Heat at Night- 10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Winter Peasant Heat at Night | Define the Winter Peasant Heat at Night- 16 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Helmet/Hat Heat in Water
Helmet/Hat Heat in Water At Day
Wooden Helmet Heat at Day in Water | Define the Wooden Helmet Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Stone Helmet Heat at Day in Water | Define the Stone Helmet Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Golden Helmet Heat at Day in Water | Define the Golden Helmet Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Diamond Helmet Heat at Day in Water | Define the Diamond Helmet Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Amethyst Helmet Heat at Day in Water | Define the Amethyst Helmet Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Reidite Helmet Heat at Day in Water | Define the Reidite Helmet Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Dragon Helmet Heat at Day in Water | Define the Dragon Helmet Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Lava Helmet Heat at Day in Water | Define the Lava Helmet Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Crab Helmet Heat at Day in Water | Define the Crab Helmet Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Earmuffs Heat at Day in Water | Define the Earmuffs Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Coat Heat at Day in Water | Define the Coat Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Scarf Heat at Day in Water | Define the Scarf Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Mammoth fur hat Heat at Day in Water | Define the Mammoth fur hat Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Crown of Luck Heat at Day in Water | Define the Crown of Luck Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Blue Crown Heat at Day in Water | Define the Blue Crown Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Green Crown Heat at Day in Water | Define the Green Crown Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Diving Mask Heat at Day in Water | Define the Diving Mask Heat at Day in Water - 2 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Super Diving Suit Heat at Day in Water | Define the Super Diving Suit Heat at Day in Water - 4 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Warm Protection Heat at Day in Water | Define the Warm Protection Heat at Day in Water - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 2 Heat at Day in Water | Define the Warm Protection 2 Heat at Day in Water - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 3 Heat at Day in Water | Define the Warm Protection 3 Heat at Day in Water - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Explorer Hat Heat at Day in Water | Define the Explorer Hat Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Pirate Hat Heat at Day in Water | Define the Pirate Hat Heat at Day in Water- 2 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Hood Heat at Day in Water | Define the Hood Heat at Day in Water- 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Winter Hood Heat at Day in Water | Define the Winter Hood Heat at Day in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Peasant Heat at Day in Water | Define the Peasant Heat at Day in Water- 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Winter Peasant Heat at Day in Water | Define the Winter Peasant Heat at Day in Water- 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Helmet/Hat Heat in Water At Night
Wooden Helmet Heat at Night in Water | Define the Wooden Helmet Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Stone Helmet Heat at Night in Water | Define the Stone Helmet Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Golden Helmet Heat at Night in Water | Define the Golden Helmet Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Diamond Helmet Heat at Night in Water | Define the Diamond Helmet Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Amethyst Helmet Heat at Night in Water | Define the Amethyst Helmet Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Reidite Helmet Heat at Night in Water | Define the Reidite Helmet Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Dragon Helmet Heat at Night in Water | Define the Dragon Helmet Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Lava Helmet Heat at Night in Water | Define the Lava Helmet Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Crab Helmet Heat at Night in Water | Define the Crab Helmet Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Earmuffs Heat at Night in Water | Define the Earmuffs Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Coat Heat at Night in Water | Define the Coat Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Scarf Heat at Night in Water | Define the Scarf Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Mammoth fur hat Heat at Night in Water | Define the Mammoth fur hat Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Crown of Luck Heat at Night in Water | Define the Crown of Luck Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Blue Crown Heat at Night in Water | Define the Blue Crown Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Green Crown Heat at Night in Water | Define the Green Crown Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Diving Mask Heat at Night in Water | Define the Diving Mask Heat at Night in Water - 15 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Super Diving Suit Heat at Night in Water | Define the Super Diving Suit Heat at Night in Water - 20 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Warm Protection Heat at Night in Water | Define the Warm Protection Heat at Night in Water - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 2 Heat at Night in Water | Define the Warm Protection 2 Heat at Night in Water - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 3 Heat at Night in Water | Define the Warm Protection 3 Heat at Night in Water - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Explorer Hat Heat at Night in Water | Define the Explorer Hat Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Pirate Hat Heat at Night in Water | Define the Pirate Hat Heat at Night in Water- 15 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Hood Heat at Night in Water | Define the Hood Heat at Night in Water- 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Winter Hood Heat at Night in Water | Define the Winter Hood Heat at Night in Water - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Peasant Heat at Night in Water | Define the Peasant Heat at Night in Water- 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Winter Peasant Heat at Night in Water | Define the Winter Peasant Heat at Night in Water- 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Helmet/Hat Heat in Winter
Helmet/Hat Heat in Winter At Day
Wooden Helmet Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Wooden Helmet Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Stone Helmet Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Stone Helmet Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Golden Helmet Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Golden Helmet Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Diamond Helmet Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Diamond Helmet Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Amethyst Helmet Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Amethyst Helmet Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Reidite Helmet Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Reidite Helmet Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Dragon Helmet Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Dragon Helmet Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Lava Helmet Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Lava Helmet Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Crab Helmet Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Crab Helmet Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Earmuffs Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Earmuffs Heat at Day in Winter - 4 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Coat Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Coat Heat at Day in Winter - 8 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Scarf Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Scarf Heat at Day in Winter - 16 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Mammoth fur hat Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Mammoth fur hat Heat at Day in Winter - 20 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Crown of Luck Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Crown of Luck Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Blue Crown Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Blue Crown Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Green Crown Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Green Crown Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Diving Mask Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Diving Mask Heat at Day in Winter - 4 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Super Diving Suit Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Super Diving Suit Heat at Day in Winter - 8 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Warm Protection Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Warm Protection Heat at Day in Winter - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 2 Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Warm Protection 2 Heat at Day in Winter - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 3 Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Warm Protection 3 Heat at Day in Winter - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Explorer Hat Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Explorer Hat Heat at Day in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Pirate Hat Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Pirate Hat Heat at Day in Winter- 4 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Hood Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Hood Heat at Day in Winter- 4 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Winter Hood Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Winter Hood Heat at Day in Winter - 14 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Peasant Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Peasant Heat at Day in Winter- 4 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Winter Peasant Heat at Day in Winter | Define the Winter Peasant Heat at Day in Winter- 14 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Helmet/Hat Heat in Winter At Night
Wooden Helmet Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Wooden Helmet Heat at Night in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Stone Helmet Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Stone Helmet Heat at Night in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Golden Helmet Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Golden Helmet Heat at Night in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Diamond Helmet Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Diamond Helmet Heat at Night in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Amethyst Helmet Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Amethyst Helmet Heat at Night in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Reidite Helmet Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Reidite Helmet Heat at Night in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Dragon Helmet Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Dragon Helmet Heat at Night in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Lava Helmet Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Lava Helmet Heat at Night in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Crab Helmet Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Crab Helmet Heat at Night in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Earmuffs Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Earmuffs Heat at Night in Winter - 10 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Coat Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Coat Heat at Night in Winter - 15 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Scarf Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Scarf Heat at Night in Winter - 35 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Mammoth fur hat Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Mammoth fur hat Heat at Night in Winter - 42 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Crown of Luck Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Crown of Luck Heat at Night in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Blue Crown Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Blue Crown Heat at Night in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Green Crown Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Green Crown Heat at Night in Winter - 0 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Diving Mask Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Diving Mask Heat at Night in Winter - 10 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Super Diving Suit Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Super Diving Suit Heat at Night in Winter - 15 = Current - Numbers are between 0 - 200 |
Warm Protection Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Warm Protection Heat at Night in Winter - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 2 Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Warm Protection 2 Heat at Night in Winter - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 3 Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Warm Protection 3 Heat at Night in Winter - -5 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Explorer Hat Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Explorer Hat Heat at Night in Winter - 3 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Pirate Hat Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Pirate Hat Heat at Night in Winter- 10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Hood Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Hood Heat at Night in Winter- 10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Winter Hood Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Winter Hood Heat at Night in Winter - 28 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Peasant Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Peasant Heat at Night in Winter- 10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Winter Peasant Heat at Night in Winter | Define the Winter Peasant Heat at Night in Winter- 28 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Helmet/Hat Heat in Lava
Helmet/Hat Heat in Lava At Day
Wooden Helmet Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Wooden Helmet Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Stone Helmet Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Stone Helmet Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Golden Helmet Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Golden Helmet Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Diamond Helmet Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Diamond Helmet Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Amethyst Helmet Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Amethyst Helmet Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Reidite Helmet Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Reidite Helmet Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Dragon Helmet Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Dragon Helmet Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Lava Helmet Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Lava Helmet Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Crab Helmet Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Crab Helmet Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Earmuffs Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Earmuffs Heat at Day in Lava - -4 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Coat Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Coat Heat at Day in Lava - -8 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Scarf Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Scarf Heat at Day in Lava - -18 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Mammoth fur hat Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Mammoth fur hat Heat at Day in Lava - -22 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Crown of Luck Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Crown of Luck Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Blue Crown Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Blue Crown Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Green Crown Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Green Crown Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Diving Mask Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Diving Mask Heat at Day in Lava - -4 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Super Diving Suit Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Super Diving Suit Heat at Day in Lava - -8 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Warm Protection Heat at Day in Lava - 10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 2 Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Warm Protection 2 Heat at Day in Lava - 15 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 3 Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Warm Protection 3 Heat at Day in Lava - 25 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Explorer Hat Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Explorer Hat Heat at Day in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Pirate Hat Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Pirate Hat Heat at Day in Lava- -4 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Hood Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Hood Heat at Day in Lava- -4 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Winter Hood Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Winter Hood Heat at Day in Lava - -18 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Peasant Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Peasant Heat at Day in Lava- -4 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Winter Peasant Heat at Day in Lava | Define the Winter Peasant Heat at Day in Lava- -18 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Helmet/Hat Heat in Lava At Night
Wooden Helmet Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Wooden Helmet Heat at Night in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Stone Helmet Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Stone Helmet Heat at Night in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Golden Helmet Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Golden Helmet Heat at Night in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Diamond Helmet Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Diamond Helmet Heat at Night in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Amethyst Helmet Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Amethyst Helmet Heat at Night in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Reidite Helmet Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Reidite Helmet Heat at Night in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Dragon Helmet Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Dragon Helmet Heat at Night in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Lava Helmet Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Lava Helmet Heat at Night in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Crab Helmet Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Crab Helmet Heat at Night in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Earmuffs Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Earmuffs Heat at Night in Lava - -10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Coat Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Coat Heat at Night in Lava - -15 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Scarf Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Scarf Heat at Night in Lava - -35 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Mammoth fur hat Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Mammoth fur hat Heat at Night in Lava - -42 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Crown of Luck Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Crown of Luck Heat at Night in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Blue Crown Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Blue Crown Heat at Night in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Green Crown Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Green Crown Heat at Night in Lava - 0 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Diving Mask Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Diving Mask Heat at Night in Lava - -10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Super Diving Suit Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Super Diving Suit Heat at Night in Lava - -15 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Warm Protection Heat at Night in Lava - 10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 2 Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Warm Protection 2 Heat at Night in Lava - 15 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Warm Protection 3 Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Warm Protection 3 Heat at Night in Lava - 25 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Explorer Hat Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Explorer Hat Heat at Night in Lava - -3 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Pirate Hat Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Pirate Hat Heat at Night in Lava- -10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Hood Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Hood Heat at Night in Lava- -10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Winter Hood Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Winter Hood Heat at Night in Lava - -35 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Peasant Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Peasant Heat at Night in Lava- -10 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Winter Peasant Heat at Night in Lava | Define the Winter Peasant Heat at Night in Lava- -35 = Current - Numbers are between -200 - 200 |
Tame system
Luck to tame animals with an Orange Crown | Define the multiplicator to tame an animals- 8 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20 |
Farm System
The berry
Grown Time | Time (ms) it takes for the seed to mature - 120000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Fruit Time | Time (ms) it takes for a fruit to grow - 40000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Watering Time Delay | Time (ms) it takes for the plant dry out - 200000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Life expectancy | Time (ms) it takes for the plant to disappear - 3840000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
The wheat
Grown Time | Time (ms) it takes for the seed to mature - 120000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Fruit Time | Time (ms) it takes for a fruit to grow - 16000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Watering Time Delay | Time (ms) it takes for the plant dry out - 200000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Life expectancy | Time (ms) it takes for the plant to disappear - 3840000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
The pumpkin
Grown Time | Time (ms) it takes for the seed to mature - 160000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Fruit Time | Time (ms) it takes for a fruit to grow - 50000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Watering Time Delay | Time (ms) it takes for the plant dry out - 250000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Life expectancy | Time (ms) it takes for the plant to disappear - 3840000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
The garlic
Grown Time | Time (ms) it takes for the seed to mature - 240000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Fruit Time | Time (ms) it takes for a fruit to grow - 120000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Watering Time Delay | Time (ms) it takes for the plant dry out - 200000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Life expectancy | Time (ms) it takes for the plant to disappear - 3840000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
The carrot
Grown Time | Time (ms) it takes for the seed to mature - 240000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Fruit Time | Time (ms) it takes for a fruit to grow - 30000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Watering Time Delay | Time (ms) it takes for the plant dry out - 200000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Life expectancy | Time (ms) it takes for the plant to disappear - 3840000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
The tomato
Grown Time | Time (ms) it takes for the seed to mature - 240000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Fruit Time | Time (ms) it takes for a fruit to grow - 30000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Watering Time Delay | Time (ms) it takes for the plant dry out - 200000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Life expectancy | Time (ms) it takes for the plant to disappear - 3840000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
The watermelon
Grown Time | Time (ms) it takes for the seed to mature - 120000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Fruit Time | Time (ms) it takes for a fruit to grow - 40000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Watering Time Delay | Time (ms) it takes for the plant dry out - 200000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Life expectancy | Time (ms) it takes for the plant to disappear - 3840000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
The thornbush
Grown Time | Time (ms) it takes for the seed to mature - 240000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Fruit Time | Time (ms) it takes for a fruit to grow - 15000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Watering Time Delay | Time (ms) it takes for the plant dry out - 240000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Life expectancy | Time (ms) it takes for the plant to disappear - 3840000 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 1000000000 |
Dig System
Luck to Dig Minerals with an Orange Crown | Define the Luck you have to get Minerals when you dig with a Shovel - 8 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 20 |
Dig with a Stone Shovel | Define the sand/ground/ice you dig with a Stone Shovel - 1 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 10 |
Dig with a Gold Shovel | Define the sand/ground/ice you dig with a Gold Shovel - 2 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 10 |
Dig with a Diamond Shovel | Define the sand/ground/ice you dig with a Diamond Shovel - 3 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 10 |
Dig with a Amethyst Shovel | Define the sand/ground/ice you dig with a Amethyst Shovel - 4 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 10 |
Dig with a Reidite Shovel | Define the sand/ground/ice you dig with a Reidite Shovel - 5 = Current - Numbers are between 1 - 10 |
Be a Ghost | Define the time you can be a ghost before dying. - 60 = (60sec) Current - Numbers are between 0 - 60 |
Generate your map
To add your map in the game
Press o in the game
Then copy paste your code
If you don't see any changes
Type save-config
then type restart
What about the red button?
You can click on the red button ONLY
- if you can't access your server anymore because you probably made it crash
- if there is an update and you want to have it in your server
Do not press the RED BUTTON too often.
If you don't have any problem with your server and just want to restart it (to set the config for example), use the restart command instead.
It is way faster
You can right click and drag on the map to move, it's faster than arrows
Select a biome, then click and drag on the map
Choose the beaches on your selected biome
Select an island and click on your map
Select a resource, then click on the map